Lalitha Sahasranama names 591-600

Lalita Sahasranama meanings per name

591. Śiraḥsthitā

Meaning – She is seated in the Sahasrara Chakra in Her position as Guru.

Lakshmi should never be seated in the Sahasrara. That position should be reserved for the Guru. A true sadhaka will place the Guru’s paduka reverentially in the Sahasrara.

Guru Gita states –

Praatah ssirasi shuklaabje dwinetram dvibhujam Gurum.
Varabhaya karam santam smare ttannaama purvakam

592. Candra-nibhā

Meaning- Seated at the Sahasrara, She is shining resplendently like the moon.

593. Phālasthā

Meaning – She is seated in the centre of the forehead (phāla, bhrumadhya).

At this point of Ajna Chakra, She should be meditated upon with the Hreem mantra.

594. Indra-dhanuḥ-prabhā

Meaning – At the Ajna Chakra (forehead) She shines likes a rainbow (Indra dhanu).

595. Hrdayasthā

Meaning – She resides in the heart.

Hrdaya is the akasha (space) where Chit (Jnana) shines eternally like the Sun. The efforts of the aspirant ensure its glow.

Yathaanegro ja beejasthaa shakti ropo mahaa drumaha
Tathaa hrdaya beejastham jagadetat charaacharam.

Meaning – Just as an entire banyan tree is hidden within a small seed, this entire world is contained within the heart and mind.

This entire world is perceived by the being purely because of the existence of the mind and the heart. Where the mind does not exist, the world will cease to be visible. Hence mind and the heart are the seed within which this creation exists.

596. Raviprakhyā

Meaning – Seated in the heart She is shining like the Sun.

597. Trikoṇāntara-dīpikā

Meaning – She is the shining lamp within the Trikona (triangle).

She is the bindu (central dot) within the trikona.

598. Dākṣāyaṇī

Meaning –

a) Dākshā is a form of yagna. As she pertains to this yagna, She is Dākshāyini.

b) As She retains her dexterity (dakshata) even at time of the great delusion (pralaya) She is Dākshāyini.

Dākshāyini is a very auspicious name that bestows dexterity and auspiciousness to us in every endeavor.

599. Daitya-hantri

Meaning – She destroys demonic forces and traits within us hence She is Daitya (demon) hantri (destroyer).

600. Dakṣa-yajña-vināśinī

Meaning – She destroyed Daksha’s yagna.

Daksha was Sati’s father (Sati was the first wife of Shiva). Daksha believed that he had the dexterity to handle situations and yagnas without the support of the Shiva. Shiva is Yagna. Sati Devi tried to make her father Daksha realize his mistake. Contrary to her expectations, he insulted Shiva, his son-in-law. Unable to bear this insult, Sati immolated herself in yogagni (yogic fire) and caused the destruction of the entire yagna. She merged back into the infinite and re-emerged as Parvati. As a destroyer of his yagna, She is Dakṣa-yajña-vināśinī.

‘Tanmatra’ is a Sanskrit word meaning the basic essential building brick of any substance in this world. the five senses of cognition correspond to the five basic objective elements known as the Tanmatras—Sabda, Sparsa, Rupa, Rasa and Gandha

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