Dec 10, 2019

Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji in the morning – Day 1 of Dattatreya Jayanti – December 10, 2019 – Mysore

Compiled by Archana Penukonda

śrī mahāganapate namaḥ
śrī sarasvatyai namaḥ
śrī pādavallabha narasimha sarasvati
śrī guru dattātreyāya namaḥ

Today is the first day of Datta Jayanti. We just finished Punya Smarana (Pujya Swamiji’s blessings for departed souls). A being has three bodies – gross, subtle and causal. Once the gross body is cast off, the other two come together to experience the result of all sins. The Datta Guru is the one who helps these beings in the end and grants them wisdom. On this Datta Jayanti, we worship such a benevolent Lord. We have not publicized this festival on purpose because only devotees that want to be here will come. More devotees visit on the last day of Datta Jayanti.

In Datta Stava a verse says,

dīnabandhum kr̥pa sindhum sarva kāraṇa kāraṇam
sarva raksākaram vande smr̥tgāmi sanovatu

The term smr̥tgāmi indicates Lord Datta is pleased simply when devotees remember Him. He is described as dīnabandhu. The Lord is a close friend (bandhu) of the poor and the suffering (dīna). The poor and the suffering are not just the ones who have no shelter, clothing or food. Everyone that is trying to know or attain God and everyone that desires to understand this creation falls into this category. We all like to see proofs in this Kaliyuga, but we cannot always see the Lord’s ways. We want to believe only what we see. Only when God stands in front of us do we want to believe God. All ignorant people fall into the category of the poor and suffering. Those who do not believe in God are also poor.

Those who oppose God have demonic qualities and are also poor. We are all born with three types of qualities – divine, human and demonic. Three out of ten people in our homes are demonic – they have no faith in God. There may be one who has divine qualities and is always contemplating on God. The rest have human qualities – they just want to work hard and take care of the family. They want to be happy without hurting others. These people need to slowly rise up to divine qualities by strengthening their sattvic nature rather than falling to demonic nature. The lower class is demonic, the middle is human, while divine is first class. Some have predominantly divine qualities – they are engaged in divine activities all day. They do not hurt anyone. One’s behavior is completely transformed as one inculcates more divine qualities. Just as a snake sheds its skin every year, we should shed our dirty and unwanted qualities.

Lord Datta is a close friend of the poor. Who is poor? The one who has ignorance and does not believe in God is poor even if he has a lot of money and all material possessions in the world. Worship Lord Datta to remove this poverty. Lord Datta combines the Trinity of Godhead. We see Lord Datta as Maha Vishnu, as Maha Shiva and the supreme knowledge-granting Maha Brahma. Even the gods and demons sought refuge with Lord Datta. Prahlada is an example of the many demonic disciples who sought refuge with Lord Datta. Those who follow Lord Datta slowly turn divine. Devotees such as Kartaveerya and Alarka with predominantly Rajasic qualities also sought refuge with the Lord. There are many present here that have divine qualities, there are many that have human qualities and many that have demonic qualities. But the funny thing is we keep changing our behavior like chameleons do. Sometimes we are divine, sometimes demonic and sometimes human. The closer we get to Guru, the farther our demonic qualities go, because the Guru keeps us busy with divine activities. It is Lord Datta who keeps us busy with noble and spiritual activities. That is why, bring kids to Swamiji as often as possible. Once they are hooked, they will continue to follow Swamiji.

In fact, you are all kids. Your mind is like a little child. Keep bringing the mind back to Swamiji over and over. The mind is never still. Relax the mind for thirty minutes and it’ll go crooked. It’ll lose steam in spiritual pursuit. It is similar to how people that take a break on a long bus journey do not easily get back on the bus. They need to be herded back on to the bus. The bus that doesn’t take a break in between reaches its destination fast. Similarly, let the mind not drop its guard. Those who are on the spiritual path should not let the mind relax. If you do, it will easily get corrupted. Keep the mind busy with divine activities without letting it relax. The volunteers expressed great happiness that they were busy with back-to-back activities with Atirudra Yaga in Kashi, Kashi Samaradhane in Mysuru, Gita Jayanti in Bengaluru and now Datta Jayanti. They are looking forward to what is next. The more spiritual activities you engage in, the better for you. All these activities are like diamonds that need to collected regularly. We are training the body with these activities.

You witnessed Punya Smarana. Pujya Bala Swamiji just talked about it. Nowhere else in the world do you see an event like Punya Smarana. We do not even do this for our own relatives and grandparents and great grandparents. Those departed souls keep wandering. Swamiji wants even those that render small services to the Ashram to attain liberation. Swamiji follows a divine calculation. We completed this morning’s program with Punya Smarana. Lord Shiva is not pleased enough with Abhishekam (ablutions), Lord Vishnu is not pleased enough with Alankara (decorations) and Lord Brahma is not pleased enough with Yajna and mantras. But Lord Datta is pleased when you merely remember him once.

The birds of Shuka Vana keep chanting “Datta” when Swamiji walks by in the morning. They want Swamiji to come and talk to them. The birds chant “Datta” whether they want to cry or ask for food. Or, they chant “Rama”. Like that, our mind too should be busy with divine activities. The Lord alone gives us pure knowledge, pure energy, resolution, determination, stability and discipline. It is not important to just fulfill our desires. When we get more money, we loosen our morals and veer off the path of righteousness. But Lord Datta gives yoga and jñāna (supreme knowledge). He also showers boons like he did on Kartaveerya, Alarka, Vishnu Datta etc. Lord Datta showers boons on all beings. Did He not give us boons? So many of our lives are set right just by following Lord Datta. Lord Vishnu is Datta. Lord Brahma is Datta. Lord Shiva is Datta.

Keep the mind calm and contemplate on the Lord. Pray for real knowledge. How long does wealth last? Once it is exhausted, we are back at square one. Do we go back to Tirupati and ask for more money? How much can we keep asking for money? Do we not feel ashamed? What Lord Datta gives cannot be exhausted. He gives us wealth that cannot be taken away from us. Lord Datta protects us from envy as well. When other Gods give us boons, people may be envious; and we may get arrogant, and be robbed of our wealth that will get exhausted at some point. Even your own family members may turn jealous overnight. The other gods shower boons and wealth, but also give you plenty of envy and suffering and illusion. The more money you get, the more you spend on unnecessary things. If you have just enough, you will spend on what you need – the train runs correctly on its tracks. Lord Datta keeps you on your tacks. The other Gods’ boons make you digress, divert and go off the rails. That is very dangerous. But Lord Datta has planned and engineered it very well. When we go after unnatural things and things we do not need, we get into problems. Lord Datta gives us only what is natural and needed. He strengthens our Yoga and our intellect.

We need Sattvic qualities. Lord Datta gives us good training to acquire Sattvic nature. Humans are naturally endowed with the three qualities of divine, human and demonic. Lord Datta gives you divine/sattvic qualities. If you pray to the other deities, they will give you more success, comforts and money. Slowly, you forget God as you get egoistic about your money. But Lord Datta gives you only what you need. He gives immense satisfaction. The Datta Purana says that the Lord will give you only limited amenities and comforts. Other deities give you plenty. What happens when you consume all the plenty of food that is given to you? If you go to Tirupati, the Lord gives you plenty and it might feel good then, but it is dangerous. You might have a small house, or you may get only a little money each month, that is enough. You have good friendship with Swamiji, you are getting good knowledge from Swamiji, that is enough. What happened to those who won the lottery? After the honeymoon phase, they went into complete loss. Las Vegas is “Loss” Vegas. Another meaning for the word Vegas is mind. The mind is lost in Las Vegas. It is a waste of time and health. Follow the spiritual path. You will get good benefits. Some people do not want to follow the spiritual path because they like material comforts. You must believe in Lord Datta. Do not keep seeking evidence. The fact that are you are alive is proof. That is why, remember that Lord Datta gives us only limited things.

Sometimes we get upset that we are unable to contribute generously to Swamiji’s projects. It does not matter. Be happy. Only render the service you can afford and be happy. Some others may donate large amounts, no problem. You did too, once upon a time. Be happy. If you think God has given you, give it back to Him. Do not hold on to the money, lest your mind should change. If you wish to put some money in the donation box, just do it before your mind changes. Do not weigh the pros and cons. That will bring you sin. We need to learn the ability to donate freely. If you want to give, do it right away. That ten rupees you want to put in the donation box belongs to Lord Datta. You are only the manager and caretaker of the money. You are the safety locker. The safety locker cannot eat any money. The ten rupees belongs to God. The money in your bag belongs to God, did you know? You are only the manager and caretaker. Donate before your mind changes. You should develop the mindset where you are happy to donate and be left with just enough money for your return ticket. Do not analyze and count how much donation you previously made. Lord Datta teaches us that mindset. Lord Datta teaches us how to live. What else do you need?

When God gives you money, he is giving you opportunities to sin. You should be careful. If you are getting money as soon as you pray for it, you probably prayed with great devotion and energy. So, the money is sent to change your heart. It is like the man who is gifted two elephants in return for singing the glories of the king. The man is doomed trying to take care of the elephants.

All of you should take Datta Deeksha regardless of your age. What is the Datta Deeksha? You must wear data vastra at all times – even when you go to bed. Second, give up salt and chili, and pray to Audumbara (Indian Fig) tree for the duration of the vow. Chant Datta mantra and read Datta Darshanam.

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