March 30, 2020

Speech of HH Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji – Sookti – March 30, 2020 – Mysore

Compiled by Parimala Eshwarla

Hastasya bhūṣaṇam dānaṃ, satyam kanṭhasya bhūṣaṇam
śrōtrasya bhūṣaṇam śāstram, bhūṣaṇaiḥ kiṃ prayojanaṃ ǁ

The hand acquires beauty, not by wearing beautiful bangles, but by performing charitable deeds! The neck (and throat) acquires beauty, not by wearing pearl chains, but by uttering truthful words. The ear acquires beauty, not by wearing glittering earrings, but by listening to Shastras and Guru’s teachings! Of what use are earrings, chains and bangles which do not add any real beauty?

External beauty is absolutely impermanent. Only the inner beauty is permanent. The glittering bangles and wristbands symbolize our ego. The ring fingers represent our pride. Wearing golden ornaments is a display of one’s prosperity. But in no way does it denote his good qualities. Applying perfumes, and make up highlight that the person is filled with traits of passion (rajas). They cannot reveal the pure, good qualities (sattva) that are hidden within the person.

How has the vyakarana shastra defined charity (dāna)? Forsaking his rights and giving away complete ownership over an object, over which a person has complete control until that minute, is charity. Giving away to another the object deeply cherished by the person is called ‘charity’. This sookti says that the hand which gives in charity is beautiful. Beauty arises due to giving in charities but not due to wearing golden bracelets and bangles.

Similarly, the neck does not get beauty due to wearing diamond, pearl or golden chains. They only make it temporarily look beautiful. However, only that throat, that eternally utters only truthful words, is beautiful. Beauty comes by uttering truthful words and not by wearing costly ornaments.

What is the sadhana that bestows liberation? For this, the Upanishad says- satyamiti, satyavacā rāthītaraḥ. As such, it is evident that strict abidance to truthfulness alone has the ability to shower liberation! For this reason, only the throat that utters truthful words is beautiful.

Ears do not turn beautiful by wearing glittering earrings, studs or hoops. In fact, they are a burden to the ear due to their weight. Ears that do not listen to the glories of the Lord are a sheer waste. Ears that do not listen to Vedic chants, or Scriptural discussions serve no purpose.

Thus, this sookti teaches us that ornaments that add only external glitter and beauty do not help us in any away. The real beauty arises from the virtues and the good qualities that are permanent. They are the real ornaments we must strive to obtain.

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