August 4, 2022

Speech of HH Sri Datta Vijayananda Teertha Swamiji – Rigweda Pusphamala Parayana concluding message – August 4, 2022 – Mysore

Compiled by Sindhuri

This is a very sacred and special occasion. The scholars have performed the complete Rigveda Pushpamala Parayana which has not been done anywhere else. Keeping aside all works, they have done the Parayana and offered the Pushpamala Samarpana at the lotus feet of Sri Swamiji. Praying for Sri Swamiji’s good health, this Parayana was offered.

It is your great fortune to hear the mantras. Such activities will not happen easily. It is the Shiva Sankalpa indeed. Until today, it was only raining in the evening. Now, at the end of the Parayana, it rained again. This is the showers of blessings from the Devatas indicating that they are pleased.

In the beginning, we hesitated to undertake this. But, the scholars took up the task confidently. This Parayana has never happened before in the history. Only some part of RigVeda is usually chanted. But, now they have offered complete Parayana for 21 days, on the occasion of Sri Swamiji’s 80th Birth year and 19th Chaturmaasya. All the teachers, students and alumni have participated in this, keeping aside all other works. The more we listen to the Vedic mantras, the more peaceful and pious we become. We must encourage such acts. May they be blessed by Guru’s grace always.

The rain stopped just after they finished the Parayana. The showers are blessings for them. It is an indication that the efforts bore compete fruit.

Pray to God wholeheartedly. Let everyone and all worlds be happy. Now, we will honor the scholars.

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