Lalitha Sahasranama names 881-890

Lalita Sahasranama meanings per name

881. Yajña-priyā

Meaning- She cherishes yajña and offerings made through yagna.

Every action of ours should be performed with an attitude of yagna.

Hayagriva Swamy states about the Yagna-

Te sarve tāvakā santu bhotanām api truptaye-

May every task that we perform be a yagna that is offered to you. Every action of ours should be a form of your yagna. All the fruits of such karma belong to you. Your resultant happiness is our reward.

882. Yajña-kartrī

Meaning- She is the energy that propels us to perform yagna.

883. Yajamāna-svarūpiṇī

Meaning- She is seated in her position of yajamāna (the person performing the yagna).

Yagna needs a yajamāna (doer) for its completion. Thus, in the person who is the karta (doer) of the homa/ yagna one should see the Divine Mother. For example, our Sadguru seats himself in the position of the yajamāna and performs the Srichakra archana on behalf of all devotees. The devotee should understand this and see the Divine Mother in the Sadguru. When Swamiji offers the flowers, the devotee should feel that he himself is making the offering through the hands of the Sadguru.

884. Dharmādhārā

Meaning- She is the support (ādhara) for all the dharmās.

Dharmas are all those duties that arise out of the family customs coming down the various generations or those that arise out of the social obligations or national duties. Such dharmic duties should be executed without causing any harm to any other being. Dharma regulates the society and ensures spiritual progress of the person following it. For example the police has a national duty of catching the criminal. In this process if he has to beat the criminal it is justified, but a civilian going and simply attacking another is adharma (un-righteous).

885. Dhanādhyakṣā

Meaning- She assumes authority over money (dhana).

Here it is to be understood that She has incarnated as Kubera. Kubera is the Lord of wealth and of the northern direction. She is granting the dhana (wealth) that is earned through adherence to dharma (righteous attitude).

Each direction fulfils one desire. For example, facing east and performing vrata or puja is to secure fulfillment in earning of wealth (artha) and fulfillment of desires (kaama). To acquire knowledge, prayers are offered in the western direction; to get relief from diseases prayers are offered in the southern direction. Facing east and praying also secures the grace of the deity upon us. To earn liberation, prayers are offered in the northern direction. There are some people who eat facing different directions. Only the Nairriti (south west) direction is eliminated, as this is the direction of demons.

The location of Kubera, the Lord of wealth would be a puzzle to many. North is the position for securing liberation and Kubera is seated here. On his left is vayu (Wind-God) and on his east (Ishanya) is Lord Shiva. This is to imply that only through Pranayama one can reach Kubera (true wealth). Kubera is a close associate of Shiva. Through Kubera one can reach Shiva. It is very difficult to directly reach Ishanya.

886. Dhana-dhānya-vivardhinī

Meaning- She causes opulence in wealth (dhana) and food grains (dhānya).

887. Vipra priyā

Meaning- Exponents of Vedas are very dear to Her.

Vipras are those who have knowledge of the Vedas and who chant them. These are people who protect the world through the parayana (chanting) of the Vedas.

888. Vipra rūpā

Meaning- She manifests in the form of vipras.

889. Viśva-bhramaṇa-kāriṇī

Meaning- She puts the world under Her spell of illusion (maya, brama). She causes the rotation of the worldly cycle (vishwa Yantra).

Mere endless chanting of the Vedas is insufficient; the ego (pride) that arises because of this ability should be given up. The idea of superiority over the masses should be erased. Equality should be practiced. In its absence, the person will get completely encircled in the net of illusion spun by the Divine Mother.

The original being, the atma, inherently has no feelings of I and mine. Nevertheless, the same being, when it enters a human body develops the feelings of individuality. Desires, feelings of comforts, me, mine, feelings of superiority and greatness rule the human mind. All these are outcomes of the feeling of individuality (ahamkara). This ahamkara puts the being under a spell. It is said that She causes such spell.

890. Vishwa-grāsa

Meaning- She swallows the entire universe. The universe is Her food.

After dissolution (pralaya), where is the universe? The entire universe would have merged/absorbed into Her. For this reason, she is addressed as Vishwa-grāsa.

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